Thursday, April 16, 2009

Featured Business Woman: The all natural EDDIE

I took a minute to decide whom I would feature next. God has place so many people in my life that TODAY, I featured two women and now I am on my third.

This woman, I had to take time to write about. This woman is a walking testimony for single mothers, divorced women, and business women beating the economical odds. This woman has found her way embarking on the spiritual that has KEPT her for so long. I Praise God for what HE DID in her life and what HE is DOING.

This woman, Fabulous, Black and all NATUARL is Eddie! When you are FAB last names aren't needed! When you are NATURAL you need no introduction, you just walk the red carpet.

Eddie's testimony starts off like most others, but she jumps right into how successful she is right now and how successful she will continue to be. She never lets you see her sweat when on the FBW network (click to find out what YOU are missing) or when she sends you an email just to say HI!

She is an awesome mother of great children; raising a teenage son with the help of the LORD (yes single moms, you are not alone, God is with you!!!) She is the leader of the pack when even I need motivation. This lady kept my eye on the prize when I could not see straight.

I guess I should say how I KNOW her so well to share her with you w/o getting a bio?

Well, with my spiritual self, I was looking for a way to grow out my relaxer in my hair and naturally keep it washed conditioned and healthy. Eddie popped up(literally) on one of my other ning networks with a new book to go along with her products for a great rate. From that point on, I was introduce to Sweet Nature by Eddie. I was sold after the first 7 days of using her HANDMADE, NATURAL PRODUCTS. I had a relaxer (in between braids and such) since I was 6 years old. Switching to Sweet Nature was a great deal for me and my hair.

After about 5 months of using the products, I decided to sell them on my site. I am one that builds up others everyday! Why not be a spoke person for products that are great for not only your hair, but your body as well. It is time for a change and we have to look out for one woman to another in business.

Eddie is also working on a non-profit organization to help teen girls in her area. She is doing her thang and not forgetting where she came from! I suggest you get on over to her site TODAY and pick up your new hair/skin products, vitamins, oh I'm not telling any more! Get there and be a support of this all natural, fabulously black Woman: EDDIE!

1 comment:

CarmenNC said...

Eddie is an inspiring woman. I belong to several social networks, but I visit the one she owns a few times a day. She is very supportive along with the other ladies in the group. I'm also a fan on her FaceBook page. I'm honored to be apart of her website forum and to have met both of you!