Thursday, May 14, 2015

From the Pit to the Palace: 5 Steps to Getting There Step 2

In step 1 we created a list of things we could use while in our circumstances; the things right at our finger tips. You should have made the decision to join a direct sales business, start a business or, hold a fundraiser.

Are you using any of these things? Are you working diligently to apply what is necessary? The serious part of this is to look at what you need to change in your life. Your house is too small, not enough food, not the right furniture. So what is step 2?

Step 2: apply what you've chosen for your life to go from the pit to the palace

When Joseph had to deal with his circumstances in the place he was in, I"m sure he thought of his brothers and his father. I'm sure he felt unloved and unsupported in the things he shared with them. YET, he applied what was given to him spiritually to all that was trying to work against him in the natural. He went from the PIT TO THE PALACE.

What have you chosen to do? 

  • Start a business? ---do you have a coach?
  • Have a fundrasier? ---are you going to use a crowd-funding site? 
  • Join a direct sales business?---do you have the small investment? 

It's vital that you do the work to apply one of these choices to your life. 

  • If you start a business get a coach to help you find your niche, create the structure, etc. 
  • If you have a fundraiser, get someone to help you create a profile on a crowdfunding site that doesn't sound like you're begging for money. 
  • Join a direct sales business that has a low investment and people are familiar with. 

These are only a few examples, but you must be ready to do whatever it takes.

Dana Neal
Coach Dana 

1 comment:

Sridhar Chandrasekaran said...

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