Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ways to be B.A.D. #7: Cultivate Your Gifts

Remember the scriptures about gifts? Remember that gifts are given without repentance? Do you recall the men with the talents? Take into consideration all the scriptures below and realize you fall in all of them. The only thing you have to ponder, in falling in all of the scriptures, is are you being obedient? Read Deuternonmy 28: 1-14. It talks about the blessing in obedience. This is going to be key as you decide and determine about cultivating your gift.

Romans 11:29King James Version (KJV)

29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Proverbs 18:16King James Version (KJV)

16 A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.

Matthew 25: 14- 30 The Parable of the Talents

If talents/gifts can help you to start or build a business, or in ministry; they can also help you in your life. The important part of using them is knowing where they came from, and giving GOD GLORY. I know that Romans 11:29 basically says everyone gets a gift and a calling, but if you don't use it for God's glory, what are you doing? Are you like the servant that didn't do anything?--that buried his talent? 
 Cultivate means to acquire or develop {skill,quality}.

What are you doing to develop your skill in cooking? coaching? sewing? fashion design? ministry? 

In order to do something with what you got, you must work at making it better. Every year, as a business owner, I work hard at learning something new about my industry or my skills. I do what I need to, to cultivate my gifts. 

I implore, not only encourage, you to work at cultivating your gift, and then GIVE GOD GLORY!

Dana Neal

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