Thursday, December 18, 2014

Motherly Wisdom #18: Stop Running from Your Mother

You will never win brownie points with God running from your mother. Why in the world do you keep running from instruction anyway?

What does the fourth commandment say? Honor Your father and MOTHER?  Come on now! If you want to die tomorrow, keep running. 

You don't have time question everything your parents say or do, unless it is against the word of God, unless you're ready to look death in the face. Stop running from your mother and what she's suggesting you do; give her honor, in UNDERSTANDING, and attempting to BE what GOD IS CALLING YOU TO BE, because that is what is COMING OUT OF YOUR MOTHER'S MOUTH! 

Parents are to show you the way. Yes, they may have made plenty of mistake along the way, but they dont' want you to make the same. Mothers love on you immensely, and try to keep you protected until they just can't, but even as mothers, we have to step back. There is no TOUGH LOVE in stepping back to the CHILD, it is more tough love ON THE MOTHER. 

Stop running and start realizing that your mother....means the best for you!

Dana Neal
Coach and Mama! 

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