Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pulling it together

Every home business owner is trying to schedule a life around their business. You have to know how to pull it all together and do more with your life.

Pulling it all together means not forgetting the people in your that have motivated you and encouraged you for what YOU want! Who are those people? What are they doing for you right now?

Sometimes we are so busy that we don't call, we don't email, we don't send shouts out of love and thankfulness! Let me ask you to do that today. Take this day to contact that person in your life that is so glad to be your friend. Take the time this day to pull all the things together that are positive for you AND them.

Reenlist the help of your friends and family to help you pull it all together. You may be successful in your business, but you can be more successful in your life if you remember who helped you. Some ideas for being appreciative and thankful:

*send snail mail
*take them out to dinner
*go to the park and have a bar-b-que
*put together a friend reunion

The purpose of pulling it together is for you to get back in touch with all those that were in your corner.

God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shouting out and sending love your way.