Thursday, July 19, 2007

It Gets Better

If you are looking up you can't doubt. If you are looking up what else are you looking at?

Matt 13:24-30(parable about the weeds)

When you look out at life you see the worst in everything. You look at your trials, your tests. You look at the kids not doing what they should.

You look at your job, your business, your career not obtaining the sales you need, etc.

but if you walk by will see God in the bad...look up. Like the parable of the weeds....some of your worst dilemmas are the devil throwing a monkey wrench in your good spiritual time.

It gets better. As a Christian counting on God allows people to see that you are not the same person you were in the world. That you have no worries...worry is sin...if you worried about every bad thing in your life....where are you looking to HIM?

It gets better! Keep working for the good of the Father...and you will receive your reward..either on this side or on the next.

The essence of this message is faith.....

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